We launched this page recommending other gambling websites on March 30, 2013. Our purpose in launching this section of the site is to provide a selective set of recommendations for people who want to find more information about gambling related subjects. The way a recommendations page is supposed to work is that it provides a listing of sites on a topic without any spam. That way the users of the site can find the info they need without wasting a lot of time sifting through the results. Unlike many Web directories, this page only has a single editor, so if your site isn’t listed here, don’t worry. We might or might not get to it eventually. We only list sites with the highest quality content that will be the most useful to visitors.
- 7CardStudStrategy.com – Everyone plays Texas hold’em these days, but 7 card stud provides certain intellectual pleasures that you just can’t get from a Texas hold’em game. For one thing, 7 card stud rewards memory. For another, it’s not as much of a game of luck as hold’em. This site offers more strategy advice on the subject than you probably thought possible.
- Adelpoker.blogspot.com – This blog focuses on the local poker scene in Adelaide. It’s well-written, and the archived content there provides a lot of value. Unfortunately, it looks like it’s no longer being updated. We’re listing it for now, but if they don’t start updating again soon, we might have to replace this listing with something else that is being updated.
- CupsBetting.com – This is one of the most comprehensive sites about cups and premiership betting online. Naturally, a lot of their content focuses on betting odds for various major sports betting events, but they also cover industry style news related to the corporations involved in the business throughout the world.
- Pagat.com – This isn’t a gambling information site per se. It’s actually the largest information site about card games on the Internet. Since it covers games like blackjack and poker, it’s probably of interest to users of our site, so we’ve listed it here.
- PokerScout.com – This is possibly the most useful guide to online cardrooms on the Internet. The site provides estimates of how many players are in action on each network at any given time. You can also find which games are being played on which networks, and which poker pros are in action at any given time.
- RealtimeGaming.com – This is the official site for the company who created the software that powers many of the most famous online casinos. It’s clean and well-designed. If you live in a jurisdiction where it’s legal, and you think you might at some point in the future want to open your own Internet casino, consider their software for your backend solution.
- ThePPA.org – This is the official site for the Poker Players Alliance, an American lobbying group that focuses on the legalization of poker on the Internet. If you’re interested in what’s going on with laws related to playing poker online and off in the United States, then this is the site to visit.
- Webdirectory.net.au – Obviously, our site has a limited focus. We try to serve people who are interested in gambling online for real money, so most of the links on this page concern themselves with other sites that also offer information on this subject. Webdirectory.net.au has a section for gambling sites, certainly, but it also provides selective lists of links on other topics, too. If you’re looking for a quality web-surfing experience, then this is a good place to start.
Please don’t contact us with submissions for this page. Our goal is to provide recommendations that are idiosyncratic and personal. If we start listing stuff just because people ask us to, then this page will lose some of its value. We’ll update this paragraph if and when we change our minds about accepting submissions.